Show Your Work 06

10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered


Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

Get the knowledge flowing and circulating! :)


Teach What You Know.

Share Your Trade Secrets.

Words & phrases

trade secrets 商业机密:一家公司或组织拥有并保护的商业机密,包括技术、方法、流程、配方、设计等,这些机密对于该公司或组织的竞争力至关重要。

The company's success is based on its trade secrets.


“The impulse to keep to yourself what you have learned is not only shameful, it is destructive. Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes.
—Annie Dillard


Words & phrases


  • n.冲动;脉冲;推动力

  • adj.一时兴起的,随兴的

  • v.推动

Unable to resist the impulse, he glanced at the sea again.


shameful adj.丢脸的,可耻的

It's shameful for him to tell a lie.


abundantly adv.丰富地;大量地

She made her wishes abundantly clear.




You open your safe and find ashes.


The world of barbecue is notoriously secretive and competitive, so it was a little bit of a shock last winter for me to be standing behind the legendary Franklin Barbecue here in Austin, Texas, watching pitmaster and barbecue wizard Aaron Franklin explain how he smokes his famous ribs in front of a camera crew. My friend Sara Robertson, a producer at the local PBS station KLRU, had invited me to watch a taping of BBQ with Franklin—a crowdfunded YouTube series designed to take viewers through every step of the barbecue process. In the series, Franklin explains how to modify an off-the-shelf smoker, how to select the right wood, how to build a fire, how to select a cut of meat, what temperature to smoke the meat at, and how to slice up the finished product.

Words & phrases


  • n.户外烧烤;(户外烧烤用的)烤肉架;烧烤食物

  • v.(在烤架上)烧烤

Let's have a barbecue!


notoriously adv.众所周知地,声名狼藉地

The trains are notoriously unreliable.


legendary / ˈledʒənderi / adj.非常有名的,大名鼎鼎的;传说(中)的

The Dutch battle against the sea is legendary.


pitmaster n.专业(或熟练的)烧烤师傅

wizard / ˈwɪzərd /

  • n.巫师,术士;能手,奇才;向导程序

  • adj.卓越的,杰出的,极好的,奇妙的;男巫的,巫术的

  • vi.练习巫术

  • vt.召唤

This action opens the wizard.


ribs n.[解剖]肋骨;排骨(rib 的复数)

She gave him a dig in the ribs.



  • n.全体船员,全体机组人员;一组工作人员;一伙人,一帮人;全体划船队员;赛艇运动;<美,非正式>(尤指演奏车库音乐的)一群乐师

  • v.当船员,当空乘人员

Many crew members were up before reveille.


a camera crew 电影摄制组

Video captured by a camera crew in the lobby showed parents clinging to their children as they ran across the marble.



  • n.磁带录音

  • v.用磁带录音(tape 的 ing 形式)

He shouldn't be taping without the singer's permission.


crowdfunded adj.众筹的,集资的

The organization leads crowdfunded (众筹的) train journeys.


modify v.修改,改进;修饰,限定;缓和,使温和;使改形,使转化;变(音)

As a result, it may abandon or modify some rites.


off the shelf 现成的:指产品或物品已经制造好并且可以立即购买和使用的,而不需要定制或特别制作。

I needed a new computer quickly, so I bought one off the shelf.


slice up



The company is planning to slice up the project into smaller tasks.




I started eating at Franklin Barbecue in 2010 when it was served out of a trailer off Interstate 35. In only three years, Franklin has become one of the most famous barbecue joints in the world. (Bon Appétit called it “the best BBQ in Texas, if not America.”) Six days a week, rain or 100-degree sunshine, there’s a line that goes around the block. And each one of those days, they sell out of meat. If ever it seemed like there was a business that would be intent to keep its secrets to itself, it would be this one.

Words & phrases


  • n.拖车,挂车;(卡车或货车的)载货挂车;<美>旅行拖车,活动房屋;(电影或电视节目的)预告片;无篷大车;运船平底驳船;拖尾物,蔓生物(尤指蔓生植物);追踪者

  • v.预告(电影,节目);用拖车运输;乘拖车式活动房屋旅行

We hooked the trailer to the back of the car.



  • adj.州际的;州与州之间的

  • n.(美)州际公路

Above all, the interstate system provides individuals with what they enrich most: personal freedom of mobility.


Six days a week, rain or 100-degree sunshine, there’s a line that goes around the block 每周六天,不管下雨还是艳阳高照,整个街区都排起了长队

if ever: 如果有的话,如果曾经

If ever there was a time to act, it is now.


If ever it seemed like there was a business that would be intent to keep its secrets to itself, it would be this one. 如果说有什么企业想要保守自己的秘密,那一定是这家公司。

When I got to talk to Aaron and his wife, Stacy, during a break in filming, they explained that the technique of barbecue is actually very simple, but it takes years and years to master. There’s an intuition that you only gain through the repetition of practice. Aaron told me that he trains all his employees the same way, but when he cuts into a brisket, he can tell you exactly who did the smoking.

Words & phrases

intuition: / ˌɪntuˈɪʃ(ə)n / n.直觉力;直觉感知,直觉知识

Her tact and intuition never failed.


brisket n.胸部;胸肉

Supporters ate piles of beef brisket and toasted marshmallows at the fire pit.


Teaching doesn’t mean instant competition. Just because you know the master’s technique doesn’t mean you’re going to be able to emulate it right away. You can watch Franklin’s tutorials over and over, but are you ready to start spending 22 hours a day smoking meat that will sell out in two hours? Probably not. If you’re me, you’ll pay the $13 a pound even more gladly.

Words & phrases

probably not 很可能不是:表示对某事或某种情况的不确定性,认为很可能不会发生或不是真实的。

I asked if he would come to the party, but he said probably not.


gladly adv.乐意地;高兴地;欢喜地

When I offered her my seat, she accepted it gladly.



分享不代表别人就能会你的东西啊。这个需要不断的训练的技术,对于大师傅来说都是已经训练出了一种intuition了。而其他人似乎都是只看不练,所以你分享你的secret skill, 并不会让你处于竞争边缘。所谓学会了徒弟饿死了师傅,似乎并不是这样的。徒弟不训练,师傅一直是师傅!

The Franklins also just genuinely love barbecue, and they go out of their way to share their knowledge. People often stop by with their own attempts at brisket, and Aaron is always gracious and patient when answering their questions. You don’t get the feeling that any of this is calculated, it’s just the way they operate—they started out as beginners, and so they feel an obligation to pass on what they’ve learned.

Words & phrases

genuinely / ˈdʒenjuɪnli / adv.真诚地;的确

He genuinely cares about his employees.



  • adj.有礼貌的,和蔼的;豪华舒适的,富足安逸的;(上帝)慈悲的;尊贵的,仁慈的(用于对王室成员的称呼)

  • inter.天哪,哎呀

She is a lovely and gracious woman.


obligation n.(法律上或道义上的)义务,责任;恩惠,人情债;(承诺付款等的)合同,契约;必须要做的事情

We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.





Of course, many chefs and restaurateurs have become rich and famous by sharing their recipes and their techniques. In their book, Rework, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson encourage businesses to emulate chefs by out-teaching their competition. “What do you do? What are your ‘recipes’? What’s your ‘cookbook’? What can you tell the world about how you operate that’s informative, educational, and promotional?” They encourage businesses to figure out the equivalent of their own cooking show.

Words & phrases

chefs n.大厨;主厨(chef 的复数)

Our chefs use only the freshest produce available.



  • v.仿效,模仿;仿真;努力赶上

  • adj.<古>争强好胜的

Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.


out teach your competitors: 教导你的竞争对手。

By actively seeking opportunities to learn, absorb and reinterpret knowledge, you build the thinking that will allow you to out-learn and, eventually, out-teach your competitors.


培养自己的拥趸 Build an audience

普及知识,赢得竞争 Out-teach your competition

效仿大厨 Emulate chefs

cookbook n.食谱

That night, I looked through my father's books and saw the cookbook that he had given me a year before.



  • adj.等同的,等效的

  • n.对等的人(或事物),对应的人(或事物);当量(equivalent weight)

His party has just suffered the equivalent of a near-fatal heart attack.





Think about what you can share from your process that would inform the people you’re trying to reach. Have you learned a craft? What are your techniques? Are you skilled at using certain tools and materials? What kind of knowledge comes along with your job?

Words & phrases


  • n.工艺,手艺;船,艇,飞行器;诡计,骗术;行业,职业;手工艺品

  • v.精心制作

The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial.




The minute you learn something, turn around and teach it to others. Share your reading list. Point to helpful reference materials. Create some tutorials and post them online. Use pictures, words, and video. Take people step-by-step through part of your process. As blogger Kathy Sierra says, “Make people better at something they want to be better at.”




Teaching people doesn’t subtract value from what you do, it actually adds to it. When you teach someone how to do your work, you are, in effect, generating more interest in your work. People feel closer to your work because you’re letting them in on what you know.

Words & phrases

subtract vt.减去,删减;减去,扣除

The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to divide.




Best of all, when you share your knowledge and your work with others, you receive an education in return. Author Christopher Hitchens said that the great thing about putting out a book is that “it brings you into contact with people whose opinions you should have canvassed before you ever pressed pen to paper. They write to you. They telephone you. They come to your bookstore events and give you things to read that you should have read already.” He said that having his work out in the world was “a free education that goes on for a lifetime.”

Words & phrases

best of all: 最好的一点,用于指代某个拥有许多优点的事物中最重要或最吸引人的部分

The new car is fast, comfortable, and best of all, it's environmentally friendly.


canvass / ˈkænvəs /

  • v.游说,拉选票;征求意见;努力争取支持;详细讨论;提出(意见或计划)供考虑;细究,彻底检查

  • n.拉选票,征求意见;讨论;细查

The party needs to canvass the uncommitted voters.


canvassed v

  1. (尤指为政治目的)拉票,游说:为了赢得选票或支持而拜访或联系选民或其他人。

The politician canvassed the neighborhood for votes.


  1. 仔细讨论,审议:详细讨论或审查某个问题或计划。

The committee canvassed the issue thoroughly before making a decision.


pressed pen to paper: 用笔写字

最重要的是,教,其实是最好的学! 出书的好处在于“它让你接触到那些你在动笔之前就应该征求他们意见的人。”